Sunday, June 30, 2013
Really...The End Of June???!
Just a quickie reminder to post your finishes for June!
Hi all……well hasn’t this month flown???? Can’t believe it’s July tomorrow….where does it go?
This is just a quick reminder to ask you to post all your finishes by tomorrow as today is the last day of the month here in Australia and we want to accommodate those finishers in different time zones *wink*.
June is the birthday month for roses so the freebie block for June finishers is this one…..
One not to be missed….so make sure you post your finishes by tomorrow afternoon, about 4pm my time AEST……I’ll be sending out the freebies after that!
Loving what we’re seeing so far… gals are sooo inspirational!
sew many hugs
June for Susan
(for the record keeper: 6th finish for the year - one a month is about all I can do!)
Friday, June 28, 2013
Redesigned bag
I am very pleased with how it has turned out, and my daughter is thrilled with it.
June finishes
The first is this Shabby Fabrics BOM for 2012 , I hand quilted it which took me a while .
Next up is this nine patch / sampler quilt . I took part in a nine patch exchange with friends and decided when making the top to incorporate some 6.5" blocks I had previously made with the intention of making the Farmers Wife quilt. This one was machine quilted by Lynda Campbell of Fiddle Stitches.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Financial year finish
I stitched the binding on my tapestry jelly roll sampler quilt tonight, just scraping in to be a June finish.
I will take some better photos on the weekend, but wanted to get it on line tonight.
It's a bit hard to see in the picture, but I ended up using a toffee coloured binding, using one of the fabrics that was in this range. It's quite subtle but finishes it off nicely.
This quilt is not technically a UFO as the jelly roll used was a prize that i received at a quilting retreat that I attended hosted by our lovely Dawn earlier this year. But I am happy to just have a pretty finish to share with you.
Another small finish
I started the embroidery on this heart about a year ago. I hadn't finished off the holly, which I have coloured with inktense pencils, and added some clear glitter paint over the top, to give it a lovely shiny finish. Red beads for the berries finished it off.
Taa Dah!!!!!!
My Houses quilt “88th Street” Boy that was one big quilt to pull though my machine for quilting. It measures 85” X 65”….. this is one I was very happy to tick of my UFO list..
and as a bonus finish No 12. I made this little baby quilt to go to PNG. It was a panel I had had in my cupboard for awhile…….
Hugz Maria
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
June Finishes
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Psssst... it's halfway to Christmas.....
This UFO is a Christmassy item so I thought I would just remind you we are halfway there!!
I hand quilted in the ditch of the border and just around the snowman - gives him a bit of shape

Monday, June 24, 2013
Patriotic Finish
I finished the quilt top up and it remained hanging in the closet until this month. It was fun to finish it up and it will make a nice addition to the patriotic holiday decorations.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Another little finish!
Hi everyone, just a little finish. but a finish of anything is great!!! This is from my redwork club in 2011. we worked on this pattern. Colorwork
Calendar. I chose to make a little table hanging thingy. I still have a few months to make. but they are almost done, no rush!
I figured I used about 1/2 yard from stash. This is also my 36th finish for the year. I had no idea I had so many small things left to finish. I am really glad I am finishing them. but that also means later in the year or next, I will have the BIG things to finish and I won't be so prolific! LOL... Done is done!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
And Now A Baby Girl Finish
On the weekend I finished the baby girl quilt... it's a panel too, like the boy one a couple of posts back, & this panel also spent time living in my Overload for about 2 years... isn't it clever the way it looks like it's been pieced & appliqued?!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Finally finished......
But my daughter is getting married on Saturday, and I thought it would be a nice wedding gift, so I actually did the binding today and now it is all finished......must say I cheated a little as I machine stitched the binding......but it is finished and all wrapped......and it feels sooooo good.
The photo doesn't show it all, as I had to put it on the bed because it is too wet to take it outside.
Another Finish!
here is the story. I have a grandson. He is 9. He wants to be baptized. but his mother won't let him. sigh.... When he turned 8 I made the quilt top. I sat it aside when the drama started. I was talking to a friend and she said: finish the quilt, then have the faith that he will be baptized. soooooooo, the quilt is finished and I will exercise my faith! So the name of the quilt will be The quilt that faith built!
Probably too much info here. Sorry. But it is a UFO, I busted 8 1/2 yards of fabric. this was the first time I used a Baptist fan panto. it was easy, fast and didn't use very many bobbins. which is amazing to me. I will be using this panto again, soon!
thanks for looking and listening!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
A Baby Boy Finish...
This little quilt is my 12th SIF finish for this year - I have finished more projects than I thought I would do all year...
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
It's finally finished
Sometimes it is the ones that have been sitting for the longest time that seem to be hardest to go back to.
Monday, June 10, 2013
9th Finish for this year, 1st for June
A little finish!
This was a Christmas gift from last year. It was a kit. I received it at the beginning of December. I promptly came home and cut it out and fused it all, and there it sat till this weekend. and now it is DONE!!
Pattern by buttermilk basin. It's supposed to be the August in the series of little penny rugs. but it just might hang out for a while. I really like it. I stitched it with Valdani thread. oh my, I think I want every single variegated they have!!!
Anyway, this is #34 for me so far this year. My goal is 50 for the year. That seems crazy for me to have that many UFOs. How did that happen? But I am working hard to finish. My mantra Done is Good! But I think buying the backings and battings are going to kill me! LOL......
back to sewing up a storm!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Blocks have been sent
OK, our free Block of the Month blocks have been sent out to our lucky finishers for May….check your inbox if you had a finish in May and let me know if it didn’t arrive and I’ll check into it!
We had thirty-eight finishes this past month…..not the top score, but a great score nonetheless so well done to all who managed a finish in May.
If you check in our sidebar, you’ll see this takes our total to 278 finishes which leaves 222 to reach our goal of 500 by the end of the year!!!…..well on track if we do 37 per month for the rest of 2013……can we do it????
I did notice however, it was a bit trickier to tally this month as I wasn’t sure whether all our finishers were UFOs or new finishes……
Just a couple of notes…….
- Sew It’s Finished is a blog for finishing off UFOs from previous year(s)…..doesn’t matter how old they are, but they need to be from 2012 or before
- Soooo, if you blog about a finish, could you please note how old it is (if any of yours are like mine, they could have been around when the dinosaurs roamed, so a roundabout figure will do!!!)
- We don’t mind looking at new finishes, in fact it’s very inspiring, but please just make a quickie post and direct us to your blogs to read more about them…that way we can focus on congratulating getting those cobwebbed projects out and in the open and we’ll direct readers to your personal blogs as well!
- Please also remember to add labels to your post as to what number finish it is, how many you’ve done so far and your name and any other relevant information such as type of project, whether it’s a bag, or table runner or a designer name , for example. If you don’t know how to do this, when you write your post you’ll see the labels (circled) on the sidebar… can write your own in the box or add ones from the arrowed list by clicking on them. Then click on the ‘done’ box at the bottom and that’s it….they’ll be added to your post.
So let’s see how many we can kick over for June……30 days……can we make 60 finishes?????? We’ve done it before……let’s …….
Sunday, June 2, 2013
May’s BOM
Ok, I hope you’ve got your post up for your May finishes, because I’m off to finish cooking dinner then I’m counting and emailing the May Block of the Month to all our finishers……which I’m a little bit partial to….seeing as it’s my birthday month too!!!! hee hee
A bit hard to see but here is a close up…..
Hope you like it!……make sure you’ve got your post up…..they’ll be sent out shortly!
xox sew many hugs
Wendy :O)