Monday, February 7, 2011

Breast Cancer Bags done #2- #9

Last year I made some bags for people who have had operations to remove breast cancer... the individual has to go home with drains and apparently often use pillow cases. 

I had cut out some more but they got put in the back of the cupboard as I got caught up with Christmas....

Some whimsical applique on the front and now they are ready to go to the Clinic....

.... so now there is space in the cupboard to cut out more ......



dls said...

What a beautiful and thoughtful creative project to do. Love the appliques!

Am sure you are much appreciated and blessed for this.

Jo in TAS said...

Sad that there's a need for these sweet bags, let's hope a cure is just around the corner. Lovely work Fiona!

Anonymous said...

Thats a wonderful idea
xx Geniene

Chris H said...

distracted.. kids... what was I going to say?
OH YES... what lovely bags and for such a good cause... aren't you lovely!

Doris said...

I'm sure they're much appreciated.

Sue said...

How lovely of you to make these for those poor women suffering this dreadful disease. Keep up the good work, they look fab!! Hugs n Blessings from Sue x

Sue said...

Those are all lovely bags. They will really brighten the recipient's days.