Thursday, May 31, 2012
I do have a finish but no photo yet...
My camera battery is flat and it is too dark for a photo with my phone so hopefully I will be able to edit this post in the morning and add a photo.
Lynda. (bettsylyn)
YEAH, my first finish
The wallhanging is my version of one of Julie Haddrick's wonderful South Australian art quilt patterns, and I started it ambitiously nearly 5 years ago, to surprise my husband for his 60th birthday. The real surprise is that he'll be 65 soon, when the eagle will finally be given pride of place amongst his collection of eagle pictures. It has truly been a labour of love, and I'm delighted to have had the motivation of joining this group to ensure the eagle is no longer grounded.
It's not a super clear photo, but all the stitching is raw-edge machined [not my strong point] onto pellon, then outline quilted with multi-colour thread through a second layer of pellon and matching backing same as the cream background fabric. I'm hoping this will help it hang nicely.
A night's rest, then I'll think what's the next project in line.
Happy stitching everyone, and congratulations to all the other finishers
May a Little finish do?
YES!!!! I got one finished.
Blocks left over from my Star Quilt –A Long last year.
Don’t they look good together make up into a baby quilt..
You can read more about it here.
I hope to be more organised for next months finish.
Hugz, Maria
A sad story but happy ending
Once upon a time, like about 16 years ago, I had just joined my first Craft Group. We made an applique project, which was fine. I enjoyed learning how to do needleturn applique, and choosing the fabrics. Sewing on the hair of the doll was fun. But – what was I going to do with this little item? Well, into the cupboard she went.
Advance about 6 years, and I bought a new sewing machine. Out came my little applique piece, and I practised a little embroidery on it, using the stitches built into my machine. I sandwiched it, and did my first stippling using my new machine. I quilted a fancy stitch in the border, trimmed it off and…….
Back into the UFO cupboard it went. I still didnt know what I was going to do with it. So I left it languishing there for all those years. We moved house 3 times and still she came with me, but didnt venture out into the light of day. That is until this month.
Some of my Grandies were visiting, and playing putting the “babies” to bed. They needed blankets and pillows. Suddenly it hit me. Of course this little piece would be wonderful as a doll blanket. Out it came, the binding has been added and it is no longer a UFO. Maybe it will live happily ever after.
Finish #11
May finish!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
May Finish - Just in time again
I found a Christmas stitchery in the "cupboard" so it was perfect for a quick finish and I thought I'd try a new binding method at the same time. For the full long drawn out story of why it wasn't as quick as it should have been go here.
But for the short version - here it is.
May Finish
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
An Angel for May
The only finish for this month is left over from last November when I was in the Tilda Christmas swap run by Cat of Catalina's Cottage. I had to make a prototype of the angel as I found some of the instructions a little lacking in information. She only needed really minor things finished, like sewing up turning seams and hemming her dress. Why do we always leave the little things unfinished?
This is my green Angel. She matches the colour of the walls so perfectly too.
She sits all by herself because I modified the wings slightly.
I think that she will live in or around the buffet when it is cleared and is all nice and neat again.
A Soldier's Star
"A Soldier's Star" Lap Quilt, 62" x 62" |
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Last month’s gift block
Hi all,
how are you going with your ufo-busting this month???
I’ve got one in the fire and hopefully will be finished by next Thursday….yep, that’s right, NEXT THURSDAY is the last day of May so get those needles working overtime, find yourself a smallish finish to get done (if you haven’t started yet) and posted on the blog to qualify for your free block of the month!
Remember a ufo is one you’ve started BEFORE the 31 Dec 2011 !
I just thought I’d show you last month’s freebie stitched out…..
This is another of Dawn’s beautiful designs…..two poppies symbolising Anzac Day on April 25th…..such an important day in Australia and New Zealand, and the Cross behind them symbolising Easter……both representing how much has been given so that we might live.
You’ll notice I varied the stitching as per Dawn’s instructions…..(I do like to be different!!!! LOL) I added satin stitch to the poppy pods, backstitched the cross and then echoed it with running stitch in gold thread….don’t know if you can see that in the photo but perhaps if you click on it it might show up better?!
This month will be my design month and it’s all ready to go….something special for May…..I wonder if you can guess what it will be?????
Our computers are all going well (touch wood!) so we’ll have no delays in getting them to you this month!
So keep working on reducing those piles …. (of ufo’s, that is!)
Sew many hugs xox
Wendy :O)
Monday, May 21, 2012
How T(s)weet It Is..
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Makes my heart melt
A couple of weeks ago I showed you Leo's which I managed to get done in time for his second birthday, and today I finished Mitchell's.
Mitchell is the oldest of our six grandchildren, which is quite amazing since he was only 2 in December (our kids all had babies at the same time).
Here is Mitchell proud as punch snuggled under his new quilt with his Nonno, doesn't it make your heart melt.
Made it in May
For now here is my "made it in May"
A cushion cover that I started way back in 2006. I finished the top and quilted it, then appliqued the stems and attached the yo-yo flowers. Then I couldn't decide how to finish it off.....piping around the edges? a frilled edging? do I put in a zip? or buttons on the back? Ughh, that means buttonholes! Easier to put it on the "get around to it" pile. Then I got a surprise from Sue (Quilted Hugs) a couple of weeks ago which was a cushion cover and I made my decision how to finish it off. On the back, I ended up using brad buttons that are attached using a hammer and a special tool. I had some left over from an outfit I made my daughter "20" years ago!!!!!
Till next time,
@ Bits 'n Bobs
Does Anyone Have . .
If you could comment here or email me on oh2sew at Thanks
Better get a move on with my May project - time is running out.
my granny-rose cushion
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my granny rose cushion |
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the picot edging |
Friday, May 18, 2012
Finish #9 Graphic Mixx
Thursday, May 17, 2012
A Quick May Finish
I finished it off and just in time for the cooler weather. This is a crossover collar scarf where one end tucks through a button hole knitted into the other end. I'm also working on a second UFO scarf found in the same box.
Finish # 8 Rick Rack Nines
I am so happy to have this very large quilt finished. It's called Rick Rack Nines and is from Bonnie Hunter's book Leaders and Enders.
Bonnie says it is a Big quilt and she was right but it was quite easy to make using the leader ender method.
The quilt used 2,670 - 2" squares to make the nine patch blocks.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Two little projects
The first one is slippers, that I was planning to give to mum for Mothers Day, but the lining is a bit loose, and now I know what I am doing I will make a better pair for mum
But not bad for my first effort at footwear.
The second is a simple little card purse from a pattern I received as a gift for my Birthday this month. This was so quick and easy to make I plan on doing a few more as little tuck in gifts.
First project planned
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I've been busy...
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The colours were inspired by the NZ Paua Shell (Abalone) |
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Not a UFO but bright and cheerful :-) |
Funkey Monkey Finish!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
New member
I have just joined the Sew its Finished group. I have approx 10 quilts in progress and yesterday evening downloaded two patterns and ordered enough fabric to make one of them and a enough to make a pinwheel quilt for my daughter. So by early next week I will have 12-13 tops on the go. I had a small bonus from work which has now gone so no more fabric for me! I know this is a modest amount of unfinished items compared to some of you! I do not have a huge stash either and what little I have, I have been making into mini pinwheels.
I hope to have something to show you all soon.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
My belated April Finish post due to holidays
I am back from holidays and ready to post my April finish. Stupid me forgot to take a pic before going away. I went to two stitching days and there were 10 projects in total. This is my second finish from them and my 5th on here!!!! I started this the afternoon of the stitching day in october 2010 and finished it just beofe I went away...
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Finally a finish of my own!
Ta dah……
….only a littly but it IS a finish……at last!
I will post more about it on my blog HERE later on tonight….or maybe in the morning…..I’m so lacksa-daisy lately…..must give my mojo a bit of a kick to help move it on its way!
Sew many hugs
Wendy :O) xox