Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Thanks Wendy & Dawn

Thanks for re-generating this - hopefully it gives just a bit more push to get some things over the Finish Line.

I have both a long list of UFOs and NESPs (Not Even Started Projects!!!   found that one the other day and love it), and a short list which is what I am concentrating on for 2016.

It's on my blog - here - on the side bar but for the record - it's here - it may change of course...
In fact, there is a FaceBook group "The Spendid Sampler" where many designers will be creating 6" blocks during the year.  I have joined the group...not so sure I will be making all 100 blocks...depends on what other projects fall in front of me!

But I have already finished one project - I will blog about it soon...before the end of the month for sure.

Here's to a happy and productove 2016!

Susan (oh2Sew)


Susan said...

Let's get sewing!

Maria said...

Well done doing your list working on mine..

Fiona said...

woohoo... looks like we will be sewing our UFO's together for a while!!

De said...

Oooh did you say you have a finish??

De said...

Oooh did you say you have a finish??