Friday, August 31, 2012

Something different...

... and I'm not sure yet if I will try that one again lol
About a year or two ago my big boy was really interested in knitting. My mum has always knitted and at about 4ys old I must have bugged my mum until she taught me. I had been knitting heaps until after the birth of son no. 1 twelve years ago, so when he wanted to learn I was very pleased:)
As with many growing kids that interest waned before he could complete the three cat shaped pyjama cases so I finally gave it a go! Under strict instructions to what colours I had to use to resemble middle DS' cat Tigger this is the final result. Two more to go, but I think these will be made from fabric instead ;-)


Maria said...

How cute is he!!!!!!

Sheila said...

It is adorable!

Prim Rose Hill ©2008-2020 said...

I wish I could knit! He's quite the "cat's meow!" ;)

Chris H said...

Wonderful knitting!

KJC said...

Great ginger cat. I love his tail.