I promised when I'd fixed the camera gremlins, I'd post photos of items I finished earlier this year. Well, the gremlins are gone, I hope for good, as I now have a card reader for uploading photos from the camera [a lovely simple solution in the end]. However, I've forgotten exactly which UFO's lacked photos, so please forgive me if I include items from 2012 that you have already seen.
This is the lap quilt I finally completed for myself, which I called the iris quilt [from the fabric range chosen], and sub-titled 'memories of Anji', the lovely lady who taught us her pattern for this quilt, and who tragically died before I finished my version.
Next is my beautiful Geisha girl, with my choice of Japanese-inspired fabrics machine appliqued on to the pre-printed panel, purchased several years earlier. I did slightly modify the landscape design features to suit fabrics I already had in my stash. She keeps me company in my craft room.
This was the third of the Christmas 2012 pot mitts I made, so I may have shown photos of the other 2. They all have a layer of practical insulated wadding.
Here is the Christmas star wall-hanging started as a round-robin challenge a few years ago, which lay unfinished until I altered toe outer border completely from the original, to something that blended better and was more to my taste. Now I'll be happy to have it on display each Christmas season.
I'm unsure whether I've already posted anything about this quilt, made for our niece's wedding in May this year in Italy. I started cutting it last year when she announced her engagement, so it would qualify as a 2013 finish. She wanted blues and beiges, so I raided my stash for anything Asian-inspired; I only had to purchase the creamy horizontal sashing fabric, plus a beautiful blue floral tipped with gold for the backing to make a reversible queen size quilt. Joanne Clay was the excellent professional quilter, here in Adelaide - she always knows just what pattern will best enhance a quilt. I absolutely loved making this quilt, based on "Moonlight Garden" a free pattern by Hoffman several years ago.
I've been busily stitching [and even finishing] new projects much of this year, which do not qualify for posting here. When we return from holidays in August, I'll finally update my poor neglected blog, Stashqueen's progress and include photos for anyone who might be interested in the scrappy quilts etc. I've been creating from offcuts and donated fabrics.
Must go and pack now, off on holiday in the morning : a-cruising we will go!
Thanks for getting all the way to the end of this marathon post - you deserve a cuppa and a long rest .... cheers, Liz
Ha ha ha Liz. I was actually having a cuppa when I looked in. You certainly have been busy. Enjoy your cruise
what a lovely lot of eye candy. Have a lovely holiday.
So many great finishes, just beautiful!
Wow some really lovely finishes Lizz.
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