Friday, August 2, 2013

Still Christmas at my house..

2010 I went along to Stitchers Dream Day Out which runs over a weekend and is run by the Quilters Angel at Highfields (Toowoomba).  3 designers are invited. I only attended one day but the designers were Lynette Anderson, Anni Downs and Natalie Bird.  We were given a goodie bag and also at least 3-4 patterns from each designer.  No photographs but we were free to take photos of their samples.  Well too much excitement for my happily social brain so not much stitching got done but heaps of fun.  So now I have finished the projects that I wanted to do and that I had purchased the fabric bundles for and now all I have to do is share the FINISHED ones with you all.  Yay!! colours are a bit left of centre but it is good to go outside my comfort zone of red, green and gold for Christmas. 


Noela said...

Gorgeous Xmas projects. hugs.....

Wendyb said...

Oh Maureen, Christmas at your house will be magic!!!! Love em! xox

Fiona said...

those are lovely projects... so special.... have you been again? I went last year and will go this year again...

Susan said...

Funny, I was reading that thinking - oh that must be the year I went too . . .Lovely projects as always.

Marilyn said...

They are beautiful, Maureen. So good to have them finished too.

Chris H said...

They are interesting colours, but rather nice if ya ask me.