Saturday, June 30, 2012

Completed my 4th June finish

Thanks to Dawn and Wendy for the motivation, I've managed to complete another small project today - the second of my  3 oven mitt projects [mentioned in another post earlier this month]. I'll be keeping this one for our kitchen, as DH likes bright colours.

That makes 5 less PhDs since I joined in May, so I'm delighted I've achieved this much already.  I won't be running out out of projects for some time yet, though!

 I'm also very grateful to the lovely  ladies who have added kind and encouraging comments on my posts - it's wonderful to be part of this online quilting community.


Susan said...

Those oven mitts sure look great -a nd very practical too.

Chris H said...

Well done, they are handy thing to have ... I've made a few too.